How many nations around the globe have what are referred to as mixed economies?

1 answer

There is no exact number as the classification of economies as "mixed" can vary depending on different criteria and perspectives. Additionally, economies can change over time, moving along a spectrum between market-based and centrally planned approaches.

However, it is generally recognized that most countries around the world have some level of government intervention and a mix of market forces. Many developed countries, including the United States, Canada, Australia, most countries in Western Europe, and some countries in East Asia like Japan and South Korea, are typically considered to have mixed economies.

Moreover, there are also emerging economies and developing countries that adopt mixed economic systems, where the government plays a significant role in certain sectors, while allowing market mechanisms to operate in others. Examples include Brazil, India, China, Mexico, and various African nations.

Therefore, the majority of nations globally can be considered to have mixed economies to varying degrees.