How many grams are there in an ounce?

Thanks from Sheryl

There are 453.592 grams in a pound so divide that by 16 to get
1 oz = 28.3495231 grams

How can I teach someone else to read?

That's a good question and I'll let the experts give you a complete answer. I know that you have to start with the letters and how to sound them, then learn to make simple words, then simple sentences. Then work up to more complex words and sentences. At least this is the technique I remember from studying other languages. Some of the English teachers should be able to provide a more complete approach to teaching reading so post a new question for them.

This is one of those conversions you need to memorize but I remember the lb, as Roger did, and divide by 16 to get the answer. However, for the future, try going to and typing in "1 ounce to grams" without the quotation marks, then click on Google search and the 28.3 answer will come up. You can even do very complicated types of conversions that way; for example, try something like "20 kilometers per hour to feet per second" without the quotation marks, then click on Google Search and the answer will pop up at you. Neat!

Actually DrBob I didn't remember it, I copied and pasted from a website I got from a Google search. I did exactly what you suggested in my search.