How large firms and small firms could utilize change management concepts to meet growing technology demands. Provide one example for a large company and one example for a small

company of necessary changes resulting from these growing technology demands. Keep in mind that some changes are proactive while others are reactive. Be sure to include these two concepts in your recommendation analysis. Discuss some of the pitfalls to avoid in implementing change.

Here is what I have so far, nut I am stuck.

Large firms and small firms could utilize change management concepts to meet growing technology demands by enhancing and reviewing sales policies, administration policies, production policies, and delivery policies. This purpose would be to review what changes could be made through automation, software and other modern technology.

McDonald’s fast foods qualify as a large company. When McDonald’s business started to grow they installed drive in windows, issued wireless microphones to attendants inside and outside, installed computer automated cooking systems, and computer monitors in all processing areas. This is a” reactive change, change that occurs after external forces have already affected performance” (Snell, 2007)

A small company such as Tangles and Tanz would set up a Website where customers can make appointments, and purchase products. This is in addition to normal store hours, in which have not been able to keep up with customer demand. This is an example of “proactive change, initiated to take advantage of targeted opportunities.” (Snell, 2007)

2 answers

This looks good so far. What pitfalls should these companies try to avoid? What about training older workers to use new technologies? Also -- the more automated a business is, the fewer employees it needs -- at least to service current customers.
Large firms and small firms could utilize change management concepts to meet growing technology demands by enhancing and reviewing <~~wouldn't reviewing come before enhancing? what if a review of some aspect of the business showed no "enhancing" was needed? sales policies, administration policies, production policies, and delivery policies. This purpose would be to review what changes could be made through automation, software<~~add comma and other modern technology.

McDonald’s qualifies as a large company. When McDonald’s business started to grow<~~add comma they installed drive in windows, issued wireless microphones to attendants inside and outside, installed computer automated cooking systems, and computer monitors in all processing areas. This is a”<~~space after "a" and quotation marks right before the r in "reactive" reactive change, change that occurs after external forces have already affected performance” (Snell, 2007)<~~add period

A small company such as Tangles and Tanz would set up a Website where customers can make appointments,<~~delete comma and purchase products. This is in addition to normal store hours, in which<~~change "in which" to "during which" and add a subject for the verb~~> have not been able to keep up with customer demand. This is an example of “proactive change, initiated to take advantage of targeted opportunities.” (Snell, 2007)<~~the period goes AFTER the citation, not before

You've made a good start. Now keep adding details. Did Tangles and Tanz have to add personnel to take care of added business? How did both companies train their personnel to use the new technologies? Etc., etc.

The verb tenses with "could" and "would" indicate possibilities, not realities. Be sure to double-check all the verbs to make sure they're in the tense you intend.