how is the number of electoral college seats per state determined???

5 answers

The number of Electoral College seats per state is determined by the total number of members in Congress, which includes both the House of Representatives and the Senate. According to the United States Constitution, each state is entitled to a minimum of three Electoral College seats, regardless of its population. The remaining seats are allocated based on a state's representation in Congress.

The number of seats in the House of Representatives is determined by the population of each state. After each decennial census, the seats are reapportioned among the states based on the relative changes in population. Currently, there are 435 seats in the House of Representatives.

In addition to the seats in the House, there are two seats in the Senate for each state, making a total of 100 seats. The number of Senate seats does not change based on population changes.

To calculate the total number of Electoral College seats for a state, the number of seats in the House of Representatives (determined by population) is added to the two Senate seats. For example, a state with 10 seats in the House of Representatives would have a total of 12 Electoral College seats (10 + 2).

The Electoral College system aims to balance the influence of large and small states in the presidential election process, with a larger emphasis on less populated states due to the addition of the two Senate seats.
Can u simplify that pls
Certainly! The number of Electoral College seats per state is determined by adding the number of seats in the House of Representatives, which is based on a state's population, to the two seats in the Senate that every state gets. Each state has a minimum of three Electoral College seats. The seats in the House of Representatives are determined by the population of each state, while the number of Senate seats remains the same for every state. This system balances the influence of both large and small states in the presidential election.
Out of these answers which would it be?
by the number of party delegates assigned to the state

by the number of party delegates assigned to the state

by the total number of House and Senate representatives

by the total number of House and Senate representatives

by the traditional number assigned under the 12th Amendment

by the traditional number assigned under the 12th Amendment

by giving each state two seats

by giving each state two seats
The correct answer is: by the total number of House and Senate representatives