On the two equinoxes, the sun is midway between the north and south celestial poles. At noon on those dates (in the northern hemisphere), the inclination angle of the sun above the (southern) horizon equals the latitude.
A southern latitudes, the noon inclination angle is measured from the northern horizon, and a similar relation applies. The noon inclination angle (measured from north) equals the southern latitude.
How is the angle of inclination of the sun measured on the vernal or autumnal equinox at noon related to the latitude of our location here on earth. Use a picture that includes the earth and the sun in your explanation.
I'm completly lost
3 answers
thank you
I was wrong and careless. The latitude is the complement of the inclination angle at noon on the equinoxes. It is 90 degrees at the equator and zero degrees at the poles at that time.
Subtract the inclination angle from 90 degrees to get the latitude.
Subtract the inclination angle from 90 degrees to get the latitude.