how is just and equitalbe outcome the legal criteria is ahceived through what
It is advisable to amend Section 189 of the Migration Act 1958 (Cth) to prioritise the integration of refugees into Australian society rather than detaining them in detention centres, ensuring just and equitable outcome for all parties. This proactive recommendation not only mitigates refugees receiving abuse where their human rights and dignity are undermined in detention centres, but also enhances their living standards and improves Australia’s asylum seeker programs. Increased vocational training and language bridging courses would support transitions to local jobs, community-based housing would uphold the fundamental right to liveable shelter, and access to Medicare and specialist services would address both physical and emotional issues common to many refugees. In the short-term, these programs would be providing essential needs and services to those awaiting processing instead of a prolonged detention process. However, in the long-term, the improved integration into society increases instances of social cohesion and provides individuals with the skills and necessary resources for their future.
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