How is it possible to say that every issue "isn't important," which is one dimension of the Pillow Method?

2 answers

The pillow method is when you set an intention you're going to shift by writing affirmations down on a piece of paper and put them under your pillow then fall asleep (you have to believe what you’re writing down, you have to believe you can shift).

Does that help?
First, that response is the worst I have seen, cute approach and might be a different type of method to encourage yourself, however, not the answer people are looking for and has nothing to do with this pillow method.
Now, the Pillow Method is a step-by-step process with four corners and the middle, like how we think of a pillow. This process is used to resolve a disagreement or enable two people to gain understanding from a disagreement. Every issue "Isn't important". For example, arguing over planning a wedding is less important than actually being married. How you behave after marriage is much more important and will affect the kind of marriage you have. Picking out the dress and planning one will not. Therefore, every issue will not be important and may not need this five step process. Hopes that helps. Tootles :)