Germany and Great Britain have different political systems and structures of government.
Germany is a federal parliamentary republic, with a President as the head of state and a Chancellor as the head of government. The President is mainly a ceremonial figure, while the Chancellor is the one who holds real political power. The German government is structured in a way that emphasizes coalition-building and consensus decision-making, with multiple political parties typically forming a coalition government.
In contrast, Great Britain is a constitutional monarchy with a parliamentary democracy. The head of state is the monarch, but the head of government is the Prime Minister. The British system is based on the Westminster model, with a bicameral Parliament consisting of the House of Commons and the House of Lords. The government is led by the party (or coalition of parties) that has the most seats in the House of Commons.
Overall, Germany's political system places more emphasis on consensus-building and cooperation between different parties, while Great Britain's system is more focused on individual parties competing for power within the framework of a parliamentary democracy.
How is Germanys government different to great Britain governments
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