Do we have new treatment options?
consider an insulin pump, pacemakers, skin grafting, bypass surgery, tv cameras going into hearts for diagnosis,..
how is emerging technology influencing healthcare? and give an example.
all what i know is that they are basiclly new technologies and my example is about tissue engineering but the problem is that i don't know how it influences the healthcare!!!
so please please your help!! i NEED IT and thnks a lor
2 answers
I have no idea what is included in any of the labs and other places where tissue engineering and such are studied ... clearly it's all very sophisticated, or I might be able to understand some of it!
However, I do appreciate being able to to to or the iTriage app on my phone to get answers when I need them. One recent example was when I slipped on ice and fell backwards, hitting my head hard. After getting back indoors, the first thing I did was go into those two places on my phone and read everything I could find about concussions -- mostly because I wanted to know if I should head straight for an ER or what.
To have information like that readily available for the everyday person like me is absolutely priceless.
However, I do appreciate being able to to to or the iTriage app on my phone to get answers when I need them. One recent example was when I slipped on ice and fell backwards, hitting my head hard. After getting back indoors, the first thing I did was go into those two places on my phone and read everything I could find about concussions -- mostly because I wanted to know if I should head straight for an ER or what.
To have information like that readily available for the everyday person like me is absolutely priceless.