How is Colin Tonio use visual composition to communicate the glory of war in Alexander, the great and his conquest of Asia

1 answer

In Colin Tonio's "Alexander the Great and his Conquest of Asia," the author uses visual composition to depict the glory and heroism of war. Specifically, the use of vivid and detailed descriptions of Alexander's battles and conquests in vibrant colors and striking imagery creates a sense of awe and excitement about war.

Tonio utilizes a grand narrative style that features dramatic descriptions of battle scenes and intense emotion, further adding to the glory of war. Additionally, the portrayal of Alexander as a fearless and powerful leader, who conquers large swaths of land and defeats large armies, reinforces the idea that war brings glory and honor.

By using visual composition and narrative style that glorify war and conquest, Tonio creates an impression that war is exciting, heroic, and a demonstration of strength and power. However, it is essential to note that the author is not promoting war but rather presenting a historical account of Alexander's conquests.