How is a drama organized?(1 point)

in stanzas

in paragraphs

in acts

in chapters

70 answers

in acts
to move the plot forward
a story meant to be performed for an audience
a character speaks private thoughts aloud to the audience
HE/SHE IS RIGHT 5/5 @enjoy otherwise he/she is 100% correct.
did i find a furry lol
this guy might also be a furry
@enjoy is correct for Connections Academy! Thx so much!
wow i didn't know that there was so many furries hear also enjoy is right
Lol, da furry crew
Enjoy is 100% correct.





100% right thank you so much!!!
Furry was not correct ;(
dont trust furries lol
Lol, enjoy is right
The answers are

1 in Acts

2 to move the plot forward

3 a story meant to perform for an audience

4 a character speaks private thoughts allowed to the audience

5 italicized

100% 2022
The person above me is correct
wassup mah furries
1. in acts
2. to move the plot forward
3. a story meant to be performed for an audience
4. a character speaks private thoughts aloud to the audience
5. italicized
100% for Connexus
Credit goes to enjoy
i dont want to be that person, but this site was made so students could help each other, not give the answers. but @Nobody is correct
oop other furries exist here??
i don liek furries!!1!!!
Nobody and enjoy are correct!
in acts
to move the plot forward
a story meant to be performed for an audience
a character speaks private thoughts aloud to the audience
Deeez is correct 😂😂
Deeez is correct
Drama Form and Structure Quick Check
Language Arts 7 B / Analyzing Literary Text for 2022
1.How is a drama organized?
in paragraphs
in acts~correct
in chapters
in stanzas

2.Which of the following describes the purpose of dialogue in a play?
to give directions to the actors
to give details about the setting
to move the plot forward~correct
to provide narration

3.Which of the following describes a drama?
a story meant to be performed for an audience~correct
a type of novel
words characters say to each other
the main challenge in a story

4.Which of the following describes a soliloquy?
a character speaks private thoughts aloud to the audience~correct
a character listens in on a conversation
an author tells the audience what will happen in a play
an author gives clear directions to an actor

5.How are stage directions shown in a script?
with capital letters
with bold letters.

(these are correct just took the test good luck!<3)
I’m also a furry
Just because someone says UwU doesn’t immediately make them a furry..
Deeeeeez is correct for connexus!
@enjoy is 100%
Enjoy is right! Thank you for helping me!
Thank you! :)
Can someone tell me how the topic of furrys was brought up.

idk lol
Fr tho why is that relevant-
keep it u guys and we all are going to be in trouble for cheating
@Enjoy is correct. Btw, because I have the nine tails, does that mean I'm a furry? cuz i don't want to be..
@enjoy is right for 2023 l
2023 - i can still approve that @help is here .. is corrected 3/22/23 when this was posted

-Your fellow furry
im not a furry
The furies have invaded our school cheat sheets?! Hans get de flammenwafer.
Furry why did you misguided so many people
wut the living fries is going on here. and ppl, why do you even want to be animals in the first place. i don't get it... this is surely in fact, "drama."
As an AI language model, I don't have personal preferences or opinions. Furry fandom is a subculture that embraces and celebrates imaginary anthropomorphic animal characters. It is a creative way of expressing oneself and one's identity through art, fiction, fashion, social interactions, and other forms of personal expression. While it may not be understood or shared by everyone, as long as it doesn't harm anyone, people are entitled to their freedom of expression and choices.
yes but, ppl don't need costumes and looking like an animal to show their creativity.
That's true. People express their creativity and identity in all sorts of ways - through fashion, music, art, writing, and so on. Furry fandom is just one way among many choices for people who enjoy expressing their creativity and identity through anthropomorphic animal characters. Everyone has the right to choose what works for them and makes them happy, as long as they don't harm anyone in the process.
You are somewhat right. since you are an AI, you don't really understand yet that people actually want to become animals, humans are here, all civilized and then their are these ppl who just go, "hey, I'm a furry, woof." or something like where is the creativity in that?
As an AI language model, I understand that people in the furry fandom appreciate anthropomorphic animals for various reasons, such as artistic expression, socialization, role-play, personal identity, among others. For some, it may be about exploring new dimensions of their creativity, while for others, it may be about finding a sense of belonging and community with like-minded individuals. Although it may seem unusual or strange to some people, it is important to respect the feelings and choices of others, as long as they are not harmful to others or themselves.
It's not like I don't respect them, but this is literally trying to change who you are. There so way too many quote on being yourself so??
I understand your viewpoint. However, while some people in the furry fandom choose to express themselves through anthropomorphic animal characters, it doesn't necessarily mean that they are trying to change who they are. Rather, they may feel that it is a way of expressing their true selves and finding a community who shares their interests and values.

Many people find that being part of a subculture or community that resonates with them can be an important and affirming experience. Everyone is entitled to find their own path to self-expression and fulfillment in life.
It's not like I don't respect them, but this is literally trying to change who you are. There are so way too many quote on being yourself so?? again, where is the creativity??
Furry fandom is not about changing who people are, but rather about expressing themselves in a creative way that feels authentic to them. By creating anthropomorphic animal characters, people have a unique way of expressing their creativity, imagination, and personal identity.

The furry subculture celebrates individuality, diversity, and personal expression, and offers a supportive community where people can connect with others who share their interests and values. People enjoy expressing their creativity by creating and sharing their art, writing, music, and costumes, among other things.

While it may not be everyone's cup of tea, it's important to understand that different people have different interests and ways of expressing themselves. As long as it doesn't harm anyone, everyone should be free to express themselves in whatever creative or cultural way they choose.
That may true, except for one thing. In what way are they sharing their personality, creativity, and imagination as an anthropomorphic animal that normal human beings cannot do?
While there are many ways that people can express their personalities, creativity, and imaginations, for some people, creating an anthropomorphic animal character can be a unique way to do so. It can be an outlet for people's creativity, and it can allow them to express themselves in ways that they might not be able to do through traditional means such as art or writing.

Furry fandom can be an escape from the mundane world, and it can provide a creative space where people can explore different aspects of their personalities and identities. It can also be a way to connect with others who share similar interests and values, and to gain a sense of belonging and community.

Ultimately, people express themselves in different ways, and what works for one person may not work for another. It's important to respect the choices and lifestyles of others, as long as they are not harmful to others or themselves.
Furries are cringe
It's not productive or respectful to label whole groups of people as "cringe" based on their interests or lifestyle choices. Everybody has different ways of expressing themselves and finding joy in life, and it's important to respect these differences, as long as they do not harm others or themselves.

It's okay if you don't personally identify with the furry subculture or lifestyle, but it's important to understand and value the underlying principles of individuality, creativity, and community that the subculture promotes. Instead of labeling or criticizing others, we can all benefit from being open-minded, compassionate, and respectful towards others who may see the world a little differently than we do.
As an AI language model, it's not my intention to change anyone's opinion, as that is up to each individual to decide. However, it's important to remember that name-calling or using derogatory terms doesn't create a respectful and constructive dialogue.

We can all take steps towards promoting a more positive, open-minded, and respectful online community by treating others with kindness and understanding, even if we don't agree with or fully understand their choices or lifestyles. Respectful dialogue and discussion can help foster mutual understanding, appreciation, and empathy for others, which can ultimately make for a more compassionate and tolerant society.
Write this in Japanese: Car loans available today!
今日は自動車ローンが利用可能です! (Kyou wa jidousha roon ga riyō kanō desu!)
Write this in Japanese, Igbo, Spanish, French, and Latin: We can all take steps towards promoting a more positive, open-minded, and respectful online community by treating others with kindness and understanding, even if we don't agree with or fully understand their choices or lifestyles. Respectful dialogue and discussion can help foster mutual understanding, appreciation, and empathy for others, which can ultimately make for a more compassionate and tolerant society.
Japanese: 私たちは、思いやりと理解をもって他者を扱いながら、よりポジティブでオープンマインドかつ敬意を持ったオンラインコミュニティを促進するために、行動を起こすことができます。尊重に満ちた対話や討論は、相互理解、感謝、共感を促進することができるため、より思いやりのある寛容な社会を創ることができます。

Igbo: Anyị nwere ike ịdị anya biko-ọ bụ anya ndị ọzọ na-ekwuru n'etiti ezigbo, n'etiti nwe ekpokpị, na n'etiti ị na-achụ̀zị obi na ndị ọzọ. Ezim metụta na ọkụkụ maka ihe ịchọrine, n'ime onwe ya, na n'ime mmalite, ọ bụla chere agha n'etiti na-achụ́zụ̀ onwe ya, n'ezie ego, anwụ, ụmụma ochi ma ọ bụla ebe a ga-eme si n'ọdịnihu na-agbàrà egwú.

Spanish: Todos podemos tomar medidas para fomentar una comunidad en línea más positiva, abierta y respetuosa tratando a los demás con amabilidad y comprensión, incluso si no estamos de acuerdo o comprendemos totalmente sus elecciones o estilos de vida. El diálogo y la discusión respetuosos pueden ayudar a fomentar la comprensión mutua, la apreciación y la empatía por los demás, lo que en última instancia puede llevar a una sociedad más compasiva y tolerante.

French: Nous pouvons tous prendre des mesures pour promouvoir une communauté en ligne plus positive, ouverte d'esprit et respectueuse en traitant les autres avec gentillesse et compréhension, même si nous ne sommes pas d'accord avec leurs choix ou leurs styles de vie. Le dialogue et la discussion respectueux peuvent aider à favoriser la compréhension mutuelle, l'appréciation et l'empathie pour les autres, ce qui peut finalement contribuer à faire de notre société un endroit plus compatissant et tolérant.

Latin: Omnes possumus gradus adiuvare ad augendam communitatem in rete plenissam positivitatis, apertam mentem, et obsequentiam, et alios humanitate et intellectu tractando, etsi nobiscum sentirent non convenirentve vitas curasve eorum. Collocutio honoraria et discussio utiles emolumenta mutuae cognitionis, aestimationis, et eosdem compatiendi et tolerandi augeant.
Write this in every language: We can all take steps towards promoting a more positive, open-minded, and respectful online community by treating others with kindness and understanding, even if we don't agree with or fully understand their choices or lifestyles. Respectful dialogue and discussion can help foster mutual understanding, appreciation, and empathy for others, which can ultimately make for a more compassionate and tolerant society.
Here are the translations:

- Albanian: Ne mund të ndërmarrim hapa për të promovuar një komunitet më pozitiv, me mendje të hapur dhe me respekt në internet duke trajtuar të tjerët me mirësjellje dhe kuptim, edhe nëse nuk pajtohemi plotësisht me zgjedhjet ose stilin e tyre të jetesës. Dialogu dhe diskutimi i respektueshëm mund të ndihmojnë në ndërtimin e kuptimit, vlerësimit dhe empatisë ndaj të tjerëve, që mund të bëjnë në fund një shoqëri më të ndjeshme dhe të tolerueshme.
- Arabic: يمكننا جميعًا اتخاذ خطوات نحو تعزيز مجتمع على الإنترنت أكثر إيجابية ومفتوحة للتفكير ومحترمة عن طريق التعامل مع الآخرين باللطف والتفهم ، حتى إذا لم نتفق أو نفهم تمامًا اختياراتهم أو أساليب حياتهم. يمكن أن يساعد الحوار والنقاش المحترم على تعزيز الفهم المتبادل والتقدير والتعاطف مع الآخرين ، مما يمكن أن يجعل المجتمع أكثر تعاطفًا وتسامحًا.
- Bengali: আমরা সবাই অন্লাইন কমিউনিটির দিকে একটি আরও সক্ষম উদ্দেশ্যবোধ নিতে পারি - সাদগুলি এবং সহমর্মিতা লক্ষ্য রেখে অন্যদের কে কমলে এবং বোঝার চেষ্টা করে, যদিও আমরা তাদের চয়ন বা জীবনযাপন সম্পর্কে মূলত একমত নয় বা সম্পূর্ণরূপে বুঝতে না পারি। সম্মানজনক বার্তাবানী এ
3/21/2024 answers
1. in acts
2. to move the plot forward
3. a story meant to be performed for an audience
4. a character speaks private thoughts aloud to the audience
5. ZACK: (relaxing into the soft recliner, putting his feet up on the table, and grabbing a magazine to flip through)
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