How is a cell like a city
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4 answers
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Mitochondria are like power plants, they produce energy for the cell.
Vescicles are like delivery trucks.
Cytoskeleton is like roads.
The membrane is like the city walls(we're going super retro)
golgi bodies are like packager for stuff for transport.
lysosomes are like destruction crews or police(they get rid of stuff that is now unnecessary or harmful
peroxsiomes are like chemical disposal companies.
Vacuoles are like warehouses.
Mitochondria are like power plants, they produce energy for the cell.
Vescicles are like delivery trucks.
Cytoskeleton is like roads.
The membrane is like the city walls(we're going super retro)
golgi bodies are like packager for stuff for transport.
lysosomes are like destruction crews or police(they get rid of stuff that is now unnecessary or harmful
peroxsiomes are like chemical disposal companies.
Vacuoles are like warehouses.
Please do not help other students cheat by answering their questions for them. How will they ever learn if you don't GUIDE them instead of handing out the answers?
Please do not help other students cheat by answering their questions for them. How will they ever learn if you don't GUIDE them instead of handing out the answers?
Thank you and there was multiple questions and I needed to see who was closest and you were right