How have residents of Canada's eastern coast dealt with changes in the fishing industry?

1)they have completely given up fishing
2)they only fish for cod
3)they have banned aquaculture
4)they have concentrated on other economic activities

I think #4
Thanks for your help

2 answers

1), A few are doing the Sentinel fishing for the government hand lining for cod to show stock status. Others have shifted to lobsters, crabs, etc.

2) The whole subject is about cod fishing is not allowed due to depletion of the stock.

3) This is not about fin fish aquaculture which is a whole other subject with a host of other problems.

4. Unfortunately I have to agree although there is a shortage of other economic activities. If you want to fish cod do not bother to come here (Gloucester, MA)

( Get a copy of Mark Kurlansky, "COD". It is not 100% correct but gives a pretty good description of the situation.)
By the way, although it is the cod stock, the mainstay of the industry, that is the chief concern, some other species are in short supply. However even if there are plenty of flatfish or dog fish (cape shark) or something though it is very difficult to catch them without catching cod by mistake. This is called "bycatch" and can not be tolerated so as a rule people are not allowed to fish the bottom at all.