How does the poem: "A dream within a dream" by: Edgar Allen Poe, correspond to the Pre-Civil war/American Culture?

6 answers

First of all you need to think of and list all the "Pre-Civil War/American Culture" elements you can. Then see what parallels you can draw to the content and spirit of Poe's poem.
I've tryed, and still seem to be lost.
Did you read all of the comments on that site?
Poe was a an alcoholic, usually in a state of depression. That poem in particular reflects his depression and view of his place in life. It seems to me that culture is hardly a thread. It is about life is slipping away, he has only a few golden grains in his life, and even those slip from his grasp.
I think I would be lost also trying to fit this poem into a cultural setting.
ive been writing a paper on this poem for a week now, and were supose to have five pages but i only have three so far and im getting pretty fustrated.
Have you examined all that you've learned about pre-Civil War culture? It was certainly very complex with many different cultures.