The Governing Body of Jehovah’s Witnesses helps guide all the congregations by sharing important letters and publications, both online and in books. They send messages of encouragement and make sure everyone knows how to follow Jesus’ teachings. They also have special helpers called circuit overseers who visit different congregations to provide support and help elders. This way, everyone can stay united and strong in their faith!
How does the modern-day Governing Body impart direction and encouragement to the congregations?Today, Christ uses the Governing Body of Jehovah’s Witnesses to direct his congregation. Through letters, publications both online and in print, meetings, and other communication tools, these faithful anointed men impart guidance and encouragement to all the congregations around the world. The Governing Body also seeks to maintain close contact with each congregation. They thus use the traveling-overseer arrangement. The Governing Body has directly appointed thousands of qualified elders around the world to serve as circuit overseers
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