How does the Euthyphro Problem attack modern cognitive religion?
Is there a response that would satisfy the problem?
I need help with the 2nd question.. this Is my answer however:
Euthyphro Problem appears in the dialogue of Plato who ponders on the concept of piety. It is a dialogue between Euthyphro and Plato where Plato questions Euthyphro about the root cause of piety and relationship with God. This has resulted in numerous conflicts and dilemmas about the faith and well-being. Will power and freedom remain in question in this particular scenario and God's omnipotence remains a dilemma. Further, it is a major concern to modern cognitive religion which has its lights upon the omnipotence of God. The response to it is quite satisfactory in terms of individual domain and concerns whereas in the broader view it is often narrow and cannot satisfy the aspect of sovereignty of God, therefore It does not satisfy me.