How does the development of agriculture change live of early south America? Peoples civilisation continent to be hunter and gathered or many people develop a social or group started to settle in one place?

1 answer

The development of agriculture in early South America had a significant impact on the lives of the people living there. Prior to the adoption of agriculture, many societies in South America were hunter-gatherer societies, relying on hunting, fishing, and gathering wild plants for sustenance. However, the development of agriculture allowed for the cultivation of crops such as maize, beans, and squash, which provided a more reliable food source.

As a result of agriculture, many people in South America began to settle in one place, forming villages and eventually larger communities and civilizations. This shift from a nomadic hunter-gatherer lifestyle to a settled agricultural lifestyle had several important consequences.

Firstly, the development of agriculture led to a more stable food supply, which allowed for larger populations to be sustained in one area. This in turn allowed for the development of more complex social structures, such as the emergence of chiefs, priests, and other specialized roles within society.

Secondly, the development of agriculture also led to the creation of surplus food, which could be stored for times of scarcity or used for trade with neighboring communities. This in turn led to the development of more complex economic systems and increased social stratification within societies.

Overall, the development of agriculture in early South America had a transformative impact on the lives of the people living there, leading to the formation of settled communities, the development of social hierarchies, and the growth of more complex civilizations.