How does the congregation benefit when the elders are reliable?Reliable elders are a benefit to the congregation. How? Publishers feel supported when they can readily contact elders, such as their field service group overseer. Publishers also feel well cared for when they know that the elders are willing to help them. And as elders base their counsel on the Bible and the publications of the faithful slave rather than on their own opinions, fellow worshippers trust them. Brothers and sisters have further reason to have confidence in an elder who keeps private matters confidential and who follows through by doing what he says he will do.

Make a comment, very short and understandable, use the JW bible

1 answer

Reliable elders greatly strengthen the congregation. When they provide biblical counsel and support, publishers feel valued and cared for. Their commitment to confidentiality fosters trust, creating a spiritually nurturing environment where all can thrive. As Proverbs 11:14 says, "Where there is no guidance, a people falls, but in an abundance of counselors there is safety."