The allusion to William Shakespeare in Maya Angelou's work can particularly be interpreted as affecting the meaning of the text in the way that it suggests Angelou's desire to leave her surroundings and go elsewhere. Shakespeare often wrote about themes of aspiration, identity, and the struggles of individuals seeking a better place or understanding. By referencing Shakespeare, Angelou may be expressing her own longing for escape, transformation, and the pursuit of her dreams, reflecting a deep connection between her experiences and those explored in Shakespeare's works. This interpretation aligns well with the broader themes of her life and writing, including the quest for identity and belonging.
How does the allusion to William Shakespeare affect the meaning of the text?
• It shows that Angelou identifies with the feelings expressed in Shakespeare's poem.
• It reveals how much Angelou admires those who are not like herself.
• It foreshadows Angelou's future career as a writer.
• It suggests Angelou's desire to leave her surroundings and go elsewhere.
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