How does one use DEG in a calculator

4 answers

one hits the DEG button
then angles are expressed in degrees, rather than grads or radians

google these terms to find more details.
Oh, and check your calculator's user manual ...
Yesterday i posted a question i got till .375 i was told to press the DEG button to get the answer in degrees bt i just could not get it plzzzzz help me
Look for a button called DRG , (for Degrees, Radians, Gradiens)
pressing it repeatedly steps you through degrees, radians and gradians

Your calculator (most of them) should display DEG, RAD, or GRAD in that order
test your setting by doing a calculation you know
you should know that sin30° = 0.5

make sure you see the DEG,

and you should get 0.5
sin 22° = 0.375
so, enter 22 and hit SIN to find sin 22°

If you want to find the angle whose sine is 0.375, then enter .375 and hit
2nd sin
INV sin
to get the angle. It will be expressed in degrees by default, or if you have previously hit the DEG button.

You really need to read the user manual for your calculator.