Yes, I believe you're on the right track. We live in nuclear families and many of us scarcely know our neighbors. We work long hours outside the home and put young children into daycare, thus further fragmenting family relationships. Our primary interest is furthering our own personal goals.
You might get some more ideas from this site.
How does modernization manifest itself in U.S. society? Use one of the modern theorists introduced in Ch. 16 as a basis for your response.
This is a homework question could someone explain to me what the teacher might be wanting manifest to me is how I see what modernization has done in U.S. The Therory I feel is correct is From
Ferdinand Tönnies saw it, the Industrial Revolution weakened the social fabric of family and tradition by introducing a business like emphasis
on facts, efficiency, and money. European and North American societies gradually became rootless and impersonal as people came to associate with one another mostly on the
basis of self-interest.
Am I on the right track or am I not understanding the question
2 answers
Guided by the discpline's three major theoretical approaches, come up with a socioogical questions about (a) television, (b) war,and (c) coleges and universities.