The parable of the lost son beautifully illustrates Jehovah's deep compassion and willingness to forgive, showing that He eagerly welcomes back those who repent without waiting for them to make the first move.
How does Jesus’ parable of the lost son offer further insight into Jehovah’s compassion and mercy? (Luke 15:7)Recall Jesus’ parable of the lost son, as discussed in the second article in this series. When catching sight of his son returning home, the father “ran and embraced him and tenderly kissed him.” (Luke 15:20) Notice that the father did not wait for his son to beg for forgiveness. Rather, he took the initiative, as any loving father would. The elders strive to show a similar attitude toward those who have strayed. They want these lost sheep to “come back home.” (Luke 15:22-24, 32) There is joy in heaven when a sinner returns, and there is joy on earth as well!—Read Luke 15:7
Make a comment,very short sentence and understandable, use the JW bible
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