Jesus’ atoning sacrifice and resurrection are central themes in Christian theology that emphasize reconciliation, unity, and love. Among the options you provided, the most fitting would be:
breaks down the barriers.
In Christian belief, Jesus’ sacrifice serves to reconcile humanity to God, bridging the divide caused by sin. His resurrection is seen as a victory over death and a demonstration of God’s power to bring new life. These events signify the breaking down of barriers between individuals, including divisions based on ethnicity, social status, and various forms of human conflict.
In the New Testament, particularly in the writings of Paul, there is a strong emphasis on unity among believers regardless of their backgrounds. For example, Galatians 3:28 states, "There is neither Jew nor Gentile, neither slave nor free, nor is there male and female, for you are all one in Christ Jesus." This illustrates the transformative effect of Jesus’ sacrifice and resurrection in fostering inclusivity and breaking down societal divisions.
Overall, the message of Christianity encourages believers to overcome divisions and work towards unity in Christ.