I found this at Vitaminfix dot com
Bromelain has been used and praised for over a century for its many natural health benefits.
Derived from the stems and fruit of the juicy, delicious pineapple, Bromelain has been shown to greatly aide in digestion, helping the body digest and absorb crucial proteins. Bromelain is also widely used as an all-natural anti-inflammatory, showing in studies to improve inflammatory conditions such as arthritis. In fact, Bromelain has even been widely studied as a complementary cancer treatment, as it contains powerful antioxidant components. Bromelain is a fantastic option for a number of natural therapies, or for simple solutions like adding an extra boost to your diet regimen. If you’re looking for a time-tested, natural solution for painful inflammation, the pineapple-spawned Bromelain is worth learning about!
how does free radicals and anti oxidant work?connected to bromelain
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