In James Joyce's short story "Eveline," the protagonist's intention to leave Dublin and start a new life elsewhere is portrayed through her thoughts and actions. Eveline yearns for a better life, away from the routine and constraints of Dublin. Here's how Eveline plans to leave Dublin on a positive note:
1. Finding a romantic partner: Eveline believes that her ticket out of Dublin lies in finding a dependable and caring partner. She is involved with a sailor named Frank, who promises her a new life filled with love and adventure in Buenos Aires. Eveline sees Frank as her escape from the stagnant and oppressive environment she lives in.
2. Reflecting on her current situation: Eveline spends time thinking about her life in Dublin and the reasons she wants to leave. She feels trapped and burdened by her family responsibilities, particularly taking care of her abusive father. Eveline envisions a future where she no longer feels trapped and can finally lead a life of her own.
3. Financial considerations: Eveline understands the practicalities of leaving and knows that she needs enough money to start afresh. She is determined to secure a better job to save up for her voyage and establish herself in Buenos Aires. By working and saving, Eveline plans to ensure a smooth transition to her new life.
4. Emotional preparation: Eveline struggles with conflicting emotions regarding leaving her family behind. Although she is overwhelmed by her abusive father and feels a sense of duty to escape for her own well-being, Eveline also feels guilty about abandoning her siblings. However, she convinces herself that she deserves happiness and believes her departure will ultimately benefit everyone.
5. Overcoming fear and doubt: Eveline battles fear and uncertainty about leaving her familiar surroundings. She fears the unknown, the uncertainties of life in a foreign land, and the possibility of regretting her decision. Despite these worries, Eveline decides to confront her fears and take the leap, believing that leaving Dublin is her only chance for a better, fulfilling life.
Overall, Eveline intends to leave Dublin as a good one by breaking free from the constraints holding her back, pursuing love and happiness with Frank, securing financial stability, and overcoming her fears. She wants to make a positive change in her life and embraces the opportunity to embark on a new journey.
How does Eveline intend to leave Dublin a good one
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