An inspirational leader gains support from followers by appealing to their emotions and values. They connect with their followers on a personal level, demonstrating empathy and understanding. By sharing a compelling vision and inspiring others to take action towards a common goal, they ignite passion and enthusiasm among their followers.
Additionally, inspirational leaders also gain support by implementing logic and reason. They communicate clearly and effectively, providing evidence and rationale for their decisions. By demonstrating expertise and strategic thinking, they build credibility and inspire confidence in their followers.
Coercion and assertive influence are not effective ways for an inspirational leader to gain support. Instead, they focus on building trust, fostering collaboration, and empowering others to contribute their ideas and talents. Ultimately, an inspirational leader motivates and inspires their followers by exemplifying integrity, authenticity, and a genuine commitment to making a positive impact.
how does an inspirational leader gain support from followers?
by appealing to their emotions and values.
by coercion and assertive influence
by implementing logic and reason
1 answer