When a hot coffee is exposed to the air or an ice cube, heat is transferred from the coffee to the surrounding environment in two processes: conduction and convection.
Conduction: When the hot coffee comes into direct contact with the cup, heat energy is conducted or transferred from the coffee to the cup. Similarly, when the cup comes into contact with a cool surface like an ice cube, heat is transferred from the cup to the ice cube.
Convection: As the hot coffee cools down, the surrounding air molecules near the coffee get warmer. These warm air molecules rise and are replaced by cooler air molecules, creating a convection current. When the hot coffee is in contact with cold ice, the air near the ice will cool down, forming a similar convection effect.
Overall, convection and conduction work together to transfer heat from the hot coffee to the ice. Initially, conduction leads to heat transfer from the hot coffee to the cup and then from the cup to the ice cube. Additionally, as the coffee cools down, convection helps distribute the heat to the surrounding air and ice.
How does a ask him cause hot coffee to become cool a heat from the hot coffee is transferred to the ask you through conduction be cold from the ask he was transferred to the hot coffee through conduction see code from the ask he was transferred to the hot coffee three convection day heat from the hot coffee is transferred to the ice keep their convection
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