How do you think slavery influenced the evolution of both Black and White America today? Explain your answer

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Well I will begin with the race that was effected the most in my eyes: African Americans. I will be the first to agree with anyone who says that what African Americans went through was absolutely terrible. There is no excuse in the world that will justify what was done to them during the years of slavery. But the question is regarding today. I feel that the African American community is being embarrassed by the number of racial hate crimes being committed against White individuals simply because of the slavery years. The African American community was given equal rights DECADES ago. Give it a rest. Many of the people who commit these anti-white hate crimes were not even born when the African Americans were given equal rights. Not to mention the network BET. This is the most racial network I have ever seen in my life. When they are not playing music, all I ever see on this station is Black Only Poker Stars, and Black Only this, Black Only that. All I ever hear about on these shows is anti-white remarks and talks of slavery. All this is doing is making them look like total hypocrites and I find it amusing. So as for the African American community, I know that the majority of them do not feel this way, but they are still being made into a stereotype because of it. So in one word, I would have to say: Embarrassment