48.4 (division sign)0.4
48.4/0.4 =
Move the decimal point in the divisor and in the dividend.
484 / 4 = ?
8.19 (division sign)0.09
how do you rewrite the problem so the divisor is a whole number 48.4 (division sign)0.4 8.19 (division sign)0.09 3.7 (division sign) 2.1 2.39 (division sign) 0.05 45.218(division sign)0.23 233.58(division sign)10.2
4 answers
You're welcome.
I need help!!! and my homework question is Box a is 6 times as heavy as box b.The total weight of the two boxes is 840g.How much heavier is box a than box b?