How do you plan to support your thesis with compelling arguments and counterarguments? For Homelessness and violence against women

12 answers

What is your thesis?

Please post it -- and we'll be glad to help you find arguments and counterarguments.
What is your thesis?

Here are some websites to help you write a good thesis statement and a good plan or outline to support it:
My Thesis Statement is Even though women are considred to be separat from homeless and abused, women that are homeless due to violence because violence that makes a woman become homeless and women are homeless due to violence.
My Thesis Statement is
Even though women are considred to be separat from homeless and abused, women that are homeless due to violence because violence that makes a woman become homeless and women are homeless due to violence.
This doesn't make sense and is not a complete sentence.

Women are separate from homeless and abused what?

I don't understand, sorry.
Even though women are considred to be seperat from volence and being homeless and abused, women are homeless due to violence because violence is what makes a woman become homeless and women are homeless due to violence.

I hope this makes a little more sence.
You need to really simplify this. The phrasing is extremely repetitive.

How about this:

Women who are victims of domestic violence often become homeless.

Everything else you wrote is redundant (unnecessarily repetitive) and wordy.

Now ... what will be your main points to prove that statement true?
That makes more sense. :-)

But you've repeated the same idea two or three times.

A better thesis statement would be:

Many women are homeless because of domestic violence.

You could support this thesis with these statements:

1. Women who are abused want to get away from their abuser.
(You could write about different kinds of violence -- physical violence and verbal abuse)

2. These women often have no money to pay rent for a home.
(You could write about why they have no money.)

3. These women become homeless because they choose to save themselves and often their children.

Please post your ideas -- and we'll be glad to help you write your paper.
Thank you so much.

You're very welcome. Good luck with your paper!
Rising health care cost. How can I support my thesis with compelling arguments abd counterarguments.
a thesis statement for my topic !
"Battered Women"