How do you plan to measure the success of your action plan?
Here are some possible ideas you can consider:
• Before-and-after comparisons. You can show how things looked or how people
felt before your action plan, and then show how your action led to change. You
could use photos, videos, survey results, or test scores to compare before-andafter results.
• Counting and measuring. You can count or measure things in your action plan.
For example: How many meetings did you have? How many people attended?
How many voters did you register? How much time did you spend? Numbers
like these will help you measure your effort and its impact on the community.
• Comparisons with a control group. You may be able to measure the results of
your action plan by comparing the community you affected against a control
group – a similar group that your plan did not touch. If, for example, you plan a
school campaign to reduce the spread of graffiti in one part of town, you could
compare the results you achieve to results seen in another part of town with
roughly the same amount of graffiti that did not get the clean-up program during
the same period.
answer the question grade 8 level on affordable housing
1 answer
1. Before-and-after comparisons: We will gather data on the number of affordable housing units available before implementing our action plan. After the plan is put into action, we will take another count to see if there has been an increase in affordable housing options.
2. Counting and measuring: We will keep track of the number of meetings we hold with stakeholders, the amount of funding secured for affordable housing initiatives, and the number of new affordable housing units that are created as a result of our plan.
3. Comparisons with a control group: We may compare the availability of affordable housing in our community to that of a similar community that did not implement an affordable housing action plan. This comparison will help us determine the impact of our efforts.
By utilizing these strategies, we can effectively measure the success of our action plan on affordable housing and make any necessary adjustments to ensure we are making a positive impact on the community.