To multiply numbers with more than one digit, you can use a method called long multiplication. First, write the numbers vertically, one on top of the other, aligning the digits to their place values (units, tens, hundreds, etc.). Start with the digit in the rightmost column of the bottom number and multiply it by each digit in the top number, moving from right to left. Write down the result below, taking care of the place value for each digit. If the result is more than 9, carry over the extra value to the next column to the left. Once you've multiplied with the rightmost digit, move to the next digit in the bottom number and repeat the process, but this time shift the results one place to the left. Continue this for all digits in the bottom number. Finally, add all the rows of results together to get your final answer. This may seem like a lot, but with practice, it becomes easier and helps you handle larger numbers!
How do you multiply numbers with more than one digit?
Write it like a paragraph, please make it simple and make it see, like a 9th grader wrote it
1 answer