How do you make a copyright page for a book being published?

1 answer

A copyright page for a book being published should include the following information:

1. The copyright notice: This should include the copyright symbol, the year of publication, and the name of the copyright holder.

2. The ISBN number: This is a unique number assigned to the book by the publisher.

3. The edition number: This is the number of the edition of the book being published.

4. The publisher’s name and address: This should include the name of the publisher and the address of the publisher’s headquarters.

5. The author’s name: This should include the name of the author or authors of the book.

6. The Library of Congress Cataloging-in-Publication Data: This is a unique number assigned to the book by the Library of Congress.

7. The disclaimer: This should include any legal disclaimers or warnings that the publisher wishes to include.

8. The dedication: This should include any dedications or acknowledgements that the author wishes to include.