How do you know the information presented on the sites are accurate?

healthunit . com
teenwire . com
sexualityandu . ca
sexetc . org

I don't know how to do this question.
Truth is I "don't" know if the information is accurate.

Please help, like give me an example of how I can tell the info on the site is accurate.

thanks very much.

3 answers

The honest truth is that no one knows except for the person writing the material. Only s/he knows if what is being written is factual. However, many sites, I think, are in fact not reality because the person doing the writing already has a mind set and the writings reflect his/her political/social/agenda. Of course a person who specializes in the subject can know more than you and I when we read an article. What I do is read several articles, notice the credentials of the author, and form an opinion based on the credentials, the number of pro articles versus the number of con articles, etc. But in the end much of it is subjective in my opinion. Perhaps others will give their thoughts.
John, how do you know if what your mom tells you is accurate? How do you know if what your teacher tells you is accurate? How do you know if what your priest tells you is accurate?

You have to explore other sources, analyze, and compare.

You can also weigh the reliability of the organizations: do they have any reason to present false or unreliable information? That is a judgment call, and if you are young, judgment is based on inadequate experience, so the soundest advice is to compare the information with other sources.
thank you both for your input.