Volume of O2 can be found, if you know the parameters, by PV = nRT.
The volume of a mole of O2 at STP is 22.4 L, in fact, that's the volume of a mole of any ideal gas at STP.
You can substitute into PV = nRT and calculate 22.4 L.
How do you find the
-Volume of O2 at STP
-Volume of 1 mole of O2 at STP
8 answers
Data:O2 gas production
Tria1 Trial 2
Mass of tube and contents prior to O2 production (g) 24.5196 g 24.4328 g
Mass of tube and contents after O2 production (g) 24.4315 g 24.3513 g
Mass of O2 generated (g) 0.0881 g 0.0815 g
Moles of O2 generated (mol) 0.00275 mol 0.00255 mol
Temperature of H2O („aC) 23 O C 23 O C
Barometric Pressure (mmHg) 621.5 mmHg 621.5 mmHg
Vapor Pressure of H2O (mmHg) 21.1 mm Hg 21.1 mm Hg
Partial Pressure of O2 (mmHg) 600.4 mm Hg 600.4 mm Hg
Volume of O2 at RT&Pressure 70.5 77.8
Volume of O2 at STP
Volume of 1 mole of O2 at STP
Tria1 Trial 2
Mass of tube and contents prior to O2 production (g) 24.5196 g 24.4328 g
Mass of tube and contents after O2 production (g) 24.4315 g 24.3513 g
Mass of O2 generated (g) 0.0881 g 0.0815 g
Moles of O2 generated (mol) 0.00275 mol 0.00255 mol
Temperature of H2O („aC) 23 O C 23 O C
Barometric Pressure (mmHg) 621.5 mmHg 621.5 mmHg
Vapor Pressure of H2O (mmHg) 21.1 mm Hg 21.1 mm Hg
Partial Pressure of O2 (mmHg) 600.4 mm Hg 600.4 mm Hg
Volume of O2 at RT&Pressure 70.5 77.8
Volume of O2 at STP
Volume of 1 mole of O2 at STP
Data:O2 gas production
Tria1 Trial 2
Mass of tube and
contents prior to
O2 production (g) 24.5196 g 24.4328 g
Mass of tube and
contents after O2
production (g) 24.4315 g 24.3513 g
Mass of O2
generated (g) 0.0881 g 0.0815g
Moles of
O2 generated(mol) 0.00275 mol 0.00255
Temperature of H2O 23 O C 23 O C
Pressure (mmHg) 621.5 mmHg 621.5
Vapor Pressure
of H2O (mmHg) 21.1 mm Hg 21.1
Partial Pressure
of O2 (mmHg) 600.4 mm Hg 600.4
Volume of O2
at RT&Pressure 70.5 77.8
Volume of O2 at STP (these I don't know )
* Volume of 1 mole of O2 at STP *
Tria1 Trial 2
Mass of tube and
contents prior to
O2 production (g) 24.5196 g 24.4328 g
Mass of tube and
contents after O2
production (g) 24.4315 g 24.3513 g
Mass of O2
generated (g) 0.0881 g 0.0815g
Moles of
O2 generated(mol) 0.00275 mol 0.00255
Temperature of H2O 23 O C 23 O C
Pressure (mmHg) 621.5 mmHg 621.5
Vapor Pressure
of H2O (mmHg) 21.1 mm Hg 21.1
Partial Pressure
of O2 (mmHg) 600.4 mm Hg 600.4
Volume of O2
at RT&Pressure 70.5 77.8
Volume of O2 at STP (these I don't know )
* Volume of 1 mole of O2 at STP *
I don't know if these two latter posts are new questions or not. If so, please clarify them.
The things I posted later are all the info I have to figure out the questions I need answered ..
It still isn't clear to me. You need to be more specific.
O2 gas is produced in the lab by (ususally) heating KClO3 but heating other chlorates and nitrates will also work. For O2 commercially, it usually is done by liquifying air, then separating the components by fractional distillation.
I understand that I already did the lab... these are the results from the lab.... I did two trial I am having trouble finding the volume of O2 STP and the mole STP what do I use to figure out those volumes