you can try trial and error, using closer and closer guesses, or do it by hand.
For example,
3^2 = 9
4^2 = 16
so it is between 3 and 4
3.7^2 = 13.69
3.8^2 = 14.44
so you know it is between 3.7 and 3.8
There are many web sites that explain the method of doing roots manually.
How do you find the square root of 14 without a calculator?
I know I need to use the square root of 9 which is 3 and the square roots of 16 which is 4. I know the answer is gonna be closer to 4 because 14 is closer to 16. I just can't figure how to get the right answer
3 answers
Yes there are many sites but not one of them shows you how to do this, appreciate you trying to help
I can refer you to
I can refer you to