The minimum size of stimulus required to reach threshold potential within a motor neuron can be determined using techniques such as measuring the strength-duration curve and the rheobase.
The strength-duration curve shows the relationship between the strength of a stimulus (intensity) and the duration of the stimulus required to reach threshold potential. By plotting this curve, one can determine the minimum amount of stimulus needed to reach threshold potential.
The rheobase is the minimum strength of a stimulus required to reach threshold potential when applied for an infinitely long duration. By measuring the rheobase, one can calculate the minimum size of stimulus required to reach threshold potential within a motor neuron.
Overall, by conducting experiments and analyzing data using techniques such as the strength-duration curve and rheobase measurement, one can find the minimum size of stimulus needed to reach threshold potential within a motor neuron.
How do you find the minimum size of stimulus required to reach threshold potential within a motor neuron?
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