when you raise to powers, you multiply exponents. Consider:
2^3 = 2*2*2
(2^3)^4 = (2*2*2)*(2*2*2)*(2*2*2)*(2*2*2) = 2^(3+3+3+3) 2^(3*4) = 2^12
(x^4 y^5)^5 = x^20 y^25
how do you expand completely:
(x to the fourth power y to the fifth)entire problem to the fifth.
do you just add the exponents?
(answer x to the 9th - y to the 6th)
2 answers
(x^4 y^5)^5
= (x^4)^5 (y^5)^5
= x^20 y^25
= (x^4)^5 (y^5)^5
= x^20 y^25