1. Start preparing early: Review your class notes, read the textbook, review supplemental materials and work through practice problems or quizzes.
2. Attend review sessions: Attend all the review sessions offered by your teacher or professor as they may help you to identify important concepts that you may have overlooked.
3. Get a good night's sleep: This will help you to be alert and focused when you take the test.
4. Eat a healthy breakfast: Avoid foods that may cause you to feel sluggish or that might upset your stomach.
5. Stay calm: Take deep breaths, close your eyes and count to ten. This can help reduce anxiety.
6. Read the instructions carefully: Make sure you understand the directions before beginning the test.
7. Budget your time: Divide your time according to the amount of time given for each section.
8. Show your work: Write out your work so that you can show how you arrived at your answers.
9. Check your work: Make sure that you have answered all the questions correctly and that you have not left out any important details.
10. Stay focused: Keep your mind from wandering and stay focused on the test.
how do you do well on tests
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