5-26= -21
Negative fractions and whole numbers.
If the second number is greater than the first, subtract the first from the second and add a negative sign.
how do you do these problems??
But I can do these types pf problems ( don't need help with problems below)
3/4 + 1/10
and 5/6 - 1/4
Please Help!!
3 answers
ooppps i said it wrong!!!it's 5 - 2/6 sorry
Well then . . . You are subtracting fractions from whole numbers. You take your whole number and put it over 1. Then Find a commom denomenator between the two bottom numbers. For example, 5-2/6. 5/1-2/6. The common denomenator is 6. So inorder to get from 1 to 6, you have to multiply by 6. You do that to the top and bottom numbers. 5/1*6 is 30/6. Now you just subtract the two. 30/6-2/6= 28/6. Simplifyed is 4 and 2/3