To convert 316 to a decimal using long division, follow these steps:
1. Write 316 as the dividend (the number being divided) and 1 as the divisor (the number dividing the dividend).
316 ÷ 1
2. Start dividing the dividend by the divisor by asking:
- How many times does 1 go into 3? The answer is 3.
- Multiply 1 by 3 and write it under the 3: 3 × 1 = 3.
- Subtract 3 from 3, and write the result below the line: 3 - 3 = 0.
1 | 316
3. Bring down the next digit from the dividend, which is 1, and write it next to the previous remainder (which is 0):
1 | 316
3 1
4. Ask how many times does 1 go into 31? The answer is 31.
- Multiply 1 by 31 and write it below the 31: 31 × 1 = 31.
- Subtract 31 from 31, and write the result below the line: 31 - 31 = 0.
3 1
1 | 316
3 1
5. Since there are no more digits remaining in the dividend, the division ends.
The final result is 316 as a decimal: 316.
how do u Use long division to convert 316 to a decimal.
3 answers
Use long division to convert 3/16 to a decimal.
To convert 3/16 to a decimal using long division, follow these steps:
1. Write 3 as the dividend (the number being divided) and 16 as the divisor (the number dividing the dividend).
3 ÷ 16
2. Place a decimal point above the division line in the quotient (the answer) if there isn't one already:
3. ÷ 16
3. Multiply the divisor (16) by a number that makes the result as close to the dividend (3) as possible without exceeding it. The answer is 0 since 16 is greater than 3.
0 × 16 = 0
4. Write 0 below the line and subtract it from 3:
3 - 0 = 3
3 ÷ 16
- 0
5. Bring down the next digit, which is 0, and write it after the 3:
30 ÷ 16
6. Repeat step 3. Multiply 16 by a number that makes the result as close to 30 as possible without exceeding it. The answer is 1 since 16 × 2 = 32, which exceeds 30.
1 × 16 = 16
7. Write 16 below the line and subtract it from 30:
30 - 16 = 14
0. 1
30 ÷ 16
- 16
8. Bring down the next digit, which is 0, and write it after the 14:
140 ÷ 16
9. Repeat step 3. Multiply 16 by a number that makes the result as close to 140 as possible without exceeding it. The answer is 8 since 16 × 9 = 144, which exceeds 140.
8 × 16 = 128
10. Write 128 below the line and subtract it from 140:
140 - 128 = 12
140 ÷ 16
- 128
11. Bring down the next digit, which is 0, and write it after the 12:
120 ÷ 16
12. Repeat step 3. Multiply 16 by a number that makes the result as close to 120 as possible without exceeding it. The answer is 7 since 16 × 8 = 128, which exceeds 120.
7 × 16 = 112
13. Write 112 below the line and subtract it from 120:
120 - 112 = 8
120 ÷ 16
- 112
14. Bring down the next digit, which is 0, and write it after the 8:
80 ÷ 16
15. Repeat step 3. Multiply 16 by a number that makes the result as close to 80 as possible without exceeding it. The answer is 5 since 16 × 6 = 96, which exceeds 80.
5 × 16 = 80
16. Write 80 below the line and subtract it from 80:
80 - 80 = 0
80 ÷ 16
- 80
17. Since there is no remainder and no more digits to bring down, the division ends.
The final result is 3/16 as a decimal: 0.1875
1. Write 3 as the dividend (the number being divided) and 16 as the divisor (the number dividing the dividend).
3 ÷ 16
2. Place a decimal point above the division line in the quotient (the answer) if there isn't one already:
3. ÷ 16
3. Multiply the divisor (16) by a number that makes the result as close to the dividend (3) as possible without exceeding it. The answer is 0 since 16 is greater than 3.
0 × 16 = 0
4. Write 0 below the line and subtract it from 3:
3 - 0 = 3
3 ÷ 16
- 0
5. Bring down the next digit, which is 0, and write it after the 3:
30 ÷ 16
6. Repeat step 3. Multiply 16 by a number that makes the result as close to 30 as possible without exceeding it. The answer is 1 since 16 × 2 = 32, which exceeds 30.
1 × 16 = 16
7. Write 16 below the line and subtract it from 30:
30 - 16 = 14
0. 1
30 ÷ 16
- 16
8. Bring down the next digit, which is 0, and write it after the 14:
140 ÷ 16
9. Repeat step 3. Multiply 16 by a number that makes the result as close to 140 as possible without exceeding it. The answer is 8 since 16 × 9 = 144, which exceeds 140.
8 × 16 = 128
10. Write 128 below the line and subtract it from 140:
140 - 128 = 12
140 ÷ 16
- 128
11. Bring down the next digit, which is 0, and write it after the 12:
120 ÷ 16
12. Repeat step 3. Multiply 16 by a number that makes the result as close to 120 as possible without exceeding it. The answer is 7 since 16 × 8 = 128, which exceeds 120.
7 × 16 = 112
13. Write 112 below the line and subtract it from 120:
120 - 112 = 8
120 ÷ 16
- 112
14. Bring down the next digit, which is 0, and write it after the 8:
80 ÷ 16
15. Repeat step 3. Multiply 16 by a number that makes the result as close to 80 as possible without exceeding it. The answer is 5 since 16 × 6 = 96, which exceeds 80.
5 × 16 = 80
16. Write 80 below the line and subtract it from 80:
80 - 80 = 0
80 ÷ 16
- 80
17. Since there is no remainder and no more digits to bring down, the division ends.
The final result is 3/16 as a decimal: 0.1875