How do these fractions turn into the following fractions.


There is a fundamental fact of math that says if you multiply anything by one , nothing changes.

but 1 = 3/3 = 10/10 etc. So if you have a fraction, and multiply it be the same numerator AND denominator, you havent erred.

1/3=1/3 * 10/10 = 10/30
1/5=1/5 * 6/6 = 6/30
1/10=1/10 * 3/3 = 3/30

Why don't i see it or understand it still.

how come 1/5 turns into 6/30 how is that possible

look, the 5 in 1/5 goes into 30 how many times? 6 of course. So if you multiply 5 times 6 to get 30 you need to multiply the toop number by the same number you multiplied with on the bottom which is 6. If you reduce 6/30 you see that 6 can go into itself and 30 so divide by 6 and you get 1/5. Hope you understand.

Thank you I appreciated your explanation now i understand where that crazy 6 came about .