How do the passages differ in how they present information about the costs associated with human and robotic space exploration?
The Importance of Sending People to Space focuses on the idea that spending more on human space exploration may be worth it, while Robots: The New Space Explorers focuses on comparing the costs of the two types of exploration.
The Importance of Sending People to Space focuses on the reasons why human space exploration is more expensive, while Robots: The New Space Explorers focuses on how to make robotic space exploration less expensive.
The Importance of Sending People to Space focuses on the cost of sending humans to Venus, while Robots: The New Space Explorers focuses on comparing the costs of sending humans and robots to Mars.
The Importance of Sending People to Space focuses on the expenses associated with meeting humans' needs in space, while Robots: The New Space Explorers focuses on the price tag of sending a robot to explore another planet.
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