Elders reflect Jehovah's compassion by actively reaching out to those who have been removed from the congregation, just as Jehovah pursued his wayward people. They aim to make the pathway to repentance clear and welcoming, showing that they genuinely desire the person's return to the faith, following the example found in Jeremiah 3:12.
How do the elders reflect Jehovah’s compassion when dealing with a person who has been removed from the congregation? (Jeremiah 3:12)The elders strive to reflect Jehovah’s compassion as they deal with someone who has been removed from the congregation. For example, Jehovah did not wait for his wayward people in ancient Israel to take the first step. Rather, he took the initiative to reach out to them even before they showed any signs of repentance. As noted in the second article in this series, Jehovah illustrated his compassion by telling the prophet Hosea to offer reconciliation to his wife, who was still sinning. (Hos. 3:1; Mal. 3:7) In imitation of Jehovah, Christian elders genuinely want the wrongdoer to return, and they do not make it difficult for him to do so.—Read Jeremiah 3:12
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