How do states handle access to non-identifying information for a party to an adoption?
A. All states allow access to such information to anyone interested in it.
B. All states allow an adoptive parent or a guardian of an adoptee to access
the information.
C. No state has the power to restrict such information.
D. No state permits access to such information without a court order
All states and American Samoa have provisions in statute
that allow access to non-identifying information by an
adoptive parent or a guardian of an adopted person who
is still a minor. Nearly all states allow the adopted person
to have access to non-identifying information about birth
relatives, generally upon written request. The adopted person
must be an adult, usually at least 18 years of age, before he
or she may access this information.
I think the answer would be (B) but not sure.
2 answers
Registries allow adopted adults, birth parents, and sometimes birth siblings and adoptive parents to consent or not consent to have their identifying information released. Registry procedures vary greatly from State to State.