How do states fund public schools?(1 point)Responsestuitiontuitiontaxestaxescharitycharitydonations

3 answers

States primarily fund public schools through taxes. These taxes can come from various sources, such as sales taxes, property taxes, income taxes, and other forms of revenue generated by the state government. Additionally, states may also receive federal funding to support public schools. Some states also receive funding from charitable donations or contributions from private organizations, but the majority of funding comes from taxpayer dollars.
Which is true about employment opportunities in local, county, and state government?(1 point)ResponsesThere are opportunities limited to public safety.There are opportunities limited to public safety.Opportunities are reserved for family and friends of politicians.Opportunities are reserved for family and friends of politicians.Opportunities are based on political appointments.Opportunities are based on political appointments.There are opportunities in many different career fields.
There are opportunities in many different career fields.