Scientists describe the arrangement of the early solar system using a combination of observational data, computer models, and theories based on the physics of celestial mechanics and thermodynamics. Here are some key aspects of how they conceptualize the early solar system:
Solar Nebula Hypothesis: The prevailing model is the solar nebula hypothesis, which suggests that the solar system formed from a rotating cloud of gas and dust known as the solar nebula. About 4.6 billion years ago, this nebula collapsed under its own gravity, leading to the formation of the Sun and the surrounding protoplanetary disk.
Protoplanetary Disk: As the material in the nebula collapsed, it spread out into a disk shape. The central concentration of mass became the Sun, while the remaining material in the disk began to coalesce into small particles, which gradually grew through processes like accretion and collision.
Formation of Planets: In the protoplanetary disk, small dust grains stuck together to form larger bodies called planetesimals. Through continued collisions and accretion, these planetesimals formed protoplanets, which eventually evolved into the planets we know today. The inner part of the disk, where temperatures were higher, led to the formation of rocky planets (like Mercury, Venus, Earth, and Mars), while the outer regions, which were colder, allowed for the formation of gas giants (like Jupiter and Saturn) and ice giants (like Uranus and Neptune).
Orbital Arrangement: The arrangement of planets in the solar system is influenced by their distance from the Sun, which correlates with their composition. Generally, terrestrial planets are found closer to the Sun, while gas and ice giants are located farther away. This distribution is partly due to temperature gradients in the early solar nebula that affected the types of materials that could condense at various distances.
Clearing the Disk: As the Sun ignited nuclear fusion, its solar wind and radiation cleared out the remaining gas and dust in the disk. Planetary formation was largely complete by this time, but some smaller bodies, asteroids, and comets remained, leading to the distribution we observe today.
Migration of Planets: There is evidence to suggest that planets may have moved from their original positions due to gravitational interactions, particularly with a zoned disk, leading to events like the "Grand Tack" or the "Nice model" of planetary migration, which explains the current arrangement of the solar system.
Current Observations: Modern observations of protoplanetary disks around other stars help scientists refine models of how our solar system formed and evolved. The similarities and differences in these systems provide insights into the processes at play in the early solar system.
In summary, scientists depict the early solar system as a dynamic environment of gas and dust, where processes of accretion, thermal dynamics, and gravitational interactions led to the formation of the Sun and the diverse planets and other celestial bodies orbiting it today.