She does not marry one of the suitors. - This action shows Penelope's loyalty to her husband, as she remains faithful to him even in his long absence.
She allows the suitors to take control of her home. - This action can be seen as a display of loyalty towards Odysseus, as she is willing to endure the unwanted presence of the suitors in order to maintain the hope of his return.
She weaves a burial shroud for her father in law, Laertes. - By weaving a burial shroud for her father-in-law, Penelope shows loyalty and respect towards Odysseus' family, even though she has doubts about his return.
She organizes an archery contest. - This action demonstrates Penelope's loyalty to Odysseus and her belief in his abilities as a warrior. By organizing the contest, she indirectly challenges the suitors to prove their worthiness, knowing that only Odysseus himself would succeed.
How do Penelope’s actions help develop the theme of loyalty in the Odyssey?
(1 point)
She does not marry one of the suitors.
She does not marry one of the suitors.
She allows the suitors to take control of her home.
She allows the suitors to take control of her home.
She weaves a burial shroud for her father in law, Laertes.
She weaves a burial shroud for her father in law, Laertes.
She organizes an archery contest.
2 answers
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