How do I write my life story?

My teacher said it should be atleast 2 pages long telling my life story and how I got to this school.
I really don’t feel comfortable sharing personal details so how do I make it less specific?
Is there some sort of template that I can follow so I know what to write? Should I start off with childhood memories? Should my whole story be about my childhood memories or thoughts? I’m lost.

3 answers

Well you don't reallly have to share personal details. Don't tell your teacher this, but you can make up details and stories as long as they still fit into your general life story. If your teacher is only giving you about two pages to tell your entire life, I would focus more on the 'how you got to this school' aspect. Throw in a couple hardships, too.
Some kids do have personal details that need not be shared with teachers.
You have some options with this.
a) focus on things around your growing up, what you saw other kids do, and how it influenced you. And perhaps, how SOME adults had a <positive> influence on you.
b) Have a trusted adult discuss this with your teacher, or maybe school counselor.
c) Mark your paper "PERSONAL: NOT TO BE SHARED"

I suspect your teacher is much more interested in evaluating your ability to organize and verbalize your "story" than in your personal details.
If abuse has been in your life story, that is on one's business at school unless you want to share it.

Get help, if you need it.
This has been shared with me by an experienced teacher, her thoughts on older high school students. "When I was teaching and prepping kids for essays on tests (SAT, ACT or whatever), I told them to make stuff up if they didn't want to share about their own lives. I encouraged them to keep VERY personal details out of such essays or memoirs."