How do I write a conclusion for an experiment with three paragraphs???
2 answers
You should not be required to have a specific number of paragraphs in a conclusion, but three is typical if you discovered or proved several things, if you included an include error analysis and provided suggestions for further research or an improved experiment.
A good conclusion will contain:
What was the original hypothesis.
Was the hypothesis supported by the data?
What actually happened (details, numbers if appropriate).
Any variables not controlled.
What are the inferences for what happened.
Any new questions
Im sure by using your imaginaion you will be able to make this into three paragraphs! Good Luck
What was the original hypothesis.
Was the hypothesis supported by the data?
What actually happened (details, numbers if appropriate).
Any variables not controlled.
What are the inferences for what happened.
Any new questions
Im sure by using your imaginaion you will be able to make this into three paragraphs! Good Luck